Mistakes to Avoid When Naming Your Business

Mistakes to Avoid When Naming Your Business

Recently I came across a new laundry business in my vicinity and I could hardly pronounce the name of the business on the billboards.

I was wondering why they choose that name. The name didn’t ring a bell to me, and the font design was poor.

So I  asked myself whom their target audience are, because the ordinary Ghanaian cannot mention that name.

Choosing a business name is not easy but it is important to pick the right and unique name. You want it to reflect what your business does and it must be catchy. Here are mistakes to avoid when naming your business.

The name is too general

While you don’t want your business name to limit the future growth or direction of your business, you don’t want it to be so general that the name does not give any sense of what you do.

Not Considering Domain Name Availability

When considering a name for your business, you also need to consider what domain names are available to use for the business. (A domain name is the Internet address for a website).

Even if you do not plan to set up a website immediately, you should reserve the domain you want to use to be sure no one else takes it.

A complicated Business name customers will never understand

It is great for a name to have a special meaning, significance or story behind its but if the reference is too hard to spell and pronounce, you may never have the opportunity to speak to that customer because they look away at first site when they can’t make meaning of what your business name is.


Inclusivity is important because a lot of businesses want to appeal to the largest possible number of customers, but sometimes they accidentally choose a name that limits their brand.

Don’t consider just how a given business name will strike you and your target market. Think about how the name will resonate with those of different ages, backgrounds, and life experiences. Get diverse feedback before you settle on a choice.

A business name that evokes nothing

Finally, while overly descriptive names can be limiting, so can names that mean nothing. An ideal name should convey something about the company’s values or attitude. Even if it doesn’t directly describe what the business does, name must offer a level of relevance.

Contact us and lets help you identify a unique, relevant and catchy name for your business or brand. Meanwhile add your comments and your thoughts about this article.

Abigail Bodo| Dstar Marketing Agency

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